Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Cast List!

Congratulations all...and thank you for coming out for the F4!  The directors were thrilled with your work, and can’t wait to get started.  I’ve shared your contact information with them, and they’ll be reaching out to you in short order to get started.

Airelle Price: Sheep Bag

-Dory: Good Cop

-Selah: Cashier

-Peter: Noah

Quinnlan Brawn: Story of the Unsung

-Elias: (Anna)(rewrite underway)

-Eli: Thomas

-Emma: Charlotte

-Ian: Leslie

Liam Thompson: Chopping Wood

-Cassidy: Mom (formerly Dad)

-Duncan: Charlie/Imposter

Helen Sloop and Liam Thompson: Wilbur Soot ARG

-Olivia: 2/Killer

-Joeyy: 1/Victim

We are still looking for some actors to fill out one of the shows!  If you’re interested in being considered for for Airelle’s piece, Sheep Bag, please email me at, and I’ll connect y’all up!


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Audition Time!

 It's time!

Auditions will begin for the first annual Found Footage Film Festival (the F4) at 200pm on November 11th!  That's tomorrow!


-Please read through the scripts you're interested in!  Scripts are linked to the right...

-Make a copy of and return the Audition Form, so the Directors will know a little about what you bring to the table!  Audition Forms are, you guessed it, linked to the right...


-Check in/log into Zoom anytime between 145pm and 200pm on 11/11 at the following audition link:

-Open a copy of the Scripts'll need that for readings.

-You'll hang out in the main room during the auditions, and we'll shift you into breakout rooms for your general audition reads two at a time.  Your reads will come from the scripts...but you won't know until you get in the room.  Be flexible!

-After everyone gets a couple of reads, we'll take a break, then start calling individuals and groups into Callback reads as selected by the Directors.

-The Callbacks will be grouped cold readings from the'll read at least once or twice.

-You'll be released by 400pm, unless there's something which the Directors really need to see.


-We'll post a set of Cast Lists at the F4 blog by 11:59, 11/11.  We're hoping to use as many actors as we possibly can!

-Directors will also reach out to casts on their be checking your emails!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Pre Audition Information Now Available!

 The key pre-audition information is now available!  

Please read the scripts and submit your audition form (both available via download through the links to the right) before the morning of 11/11!  We can't wait to get started!

Further audition information, like times and format, will be available here following a Directors' Meeting tomorrow, 11/9.

Hang in there's almost here!


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

F4: Updates!

Good day, folks!  It's time to provide all you wonderful people with some updates to the process for our fall project, F4: The Found Footage Film Festival...

We've had to make some timeline adjustments (changes in italics)

Acting: There has been a number of changes to the schedule, for a variety of logistical reasons! We've had to postpone the audition process a bit, and know that there were a number of people who kept this weekend free in order to take part. Thank you! We wouldn't have inconvenienced you without the greatest hesitancy...but we just couldn't, in this time, ready the auditions before next week. If you sacrificed something for prospective auditions...thank you. It means the world...and we apologize from the bottom of our hearts for messing up any plans you might have had. This has been an organizational challenge we've never confronted before, and we know it's been rough. Thanks for your patience.

The new schedule is as follows -

Applications Start: 11/5 (Audition Form will be shared on this page and at the show blog!)

General Auditions: 11/11

Callbacks: Same as Auditions - 11/11

Casting: By end of day 11/11

Production Crewing: The challenge of this time is that we are still uncertain about how we're going to be able to shoot the show, and what role crew members will be able to serve given district group-gathering guidelines. We're going to push as hard as we can for our crew folks to participate, and we're going to take applications to be a part of the process (Applications will be shared on this page and at the show blog)...but unfortunately, that may not be in our hands. We're going to try, though!

Applications Start: 11/5; (Email to

Applications Due: 11/11

Crew Assigned: 11/11



First Read: By end of week, 11/14

Shoot Schedule: Individually scheduled within each group!


Footage In: 11/21

Footage Cut: 11/28 (or before)


Final Footage In: 11/28

Screening Cut Together: 12/2

Screened for Audiences: 12/4 - 12/6

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Announcing: The F4!

  It's time to announce our fall project: the...



Welcome to the First Found Footage Film Festival!  (SW)2 is proud to host this first edition of what might end up a recurring part of the (SW)2 season, even after COVID takes a step back and we can start to resume a more traditional collection of events.

The Found Footage Film Festival, or as I’ll refer to it the F4, is a collaboration of small teams to write, direct, shoot, edit, and screen short films in the vein of found-footage movies like The Blair Witch Project, Cloverfield, Paranormal Activity, or District 9.  Your task will be to fill a role (writer, director, actor, production crew) as a part of a team to create a maximum 10 minute movie for a film festival opening December 4th!  


        Project Blog:; info will post here as the project goes forward

        Info Session: Friday, October 16 at 300pm;

                Zoom Link:         


Scripts Start: ASAP

                Script Drafts Due: 10/25 (Google Doc shared to

                Revision/Collaboration: Ongoing, once Directors are selected 


Applications Start: ASAP

Applications Due: 10/25 (Email to

Script Selection: 11/1

Casting: Weekend of 11/6 - 11/9


Applications Start: 11/1 (Audition Form Info coming soon!)

General Auditions: 11/6

Callbacks: 11/7 & 11/8

Casting: By end of day 11/9

Production Crewing:

Applications Start: ASAP; (Email to

Applications Due: 10/28

Crew Assigned: 11/1


First Read: By end of day, 11/11

Shoot Schedule: Individually scheduled within each group!


Footage In: 11/21

Footage Cut: 11/28 (or before)


Final Footage In: 11/28

Screening Cut Together: 12/2

Screened for Audiences: 12/4 - 12/6

The Details: 

The process of prepping, coordinating, and creating for the F4 begins, well, now!  Over the next couple of weeks, between now and October 24th we’ll be looking for folks to do one (or both...we’ll get to that in a minute!) of the following things: Write a preliminary script for a short film to be staged, shot, and edited by student filmmakers on non-professional devices with student actors and production techs; or Direct one of those scripts, taking the lead on casting, arranging the shoot for, guiding the performances of, and overseeing the editing of one of the original scripts. --If you'd like to direct, look at the timelines and requirements here, and then submit your name via email to

Scripts should run no longer than 10 minutes in length, should be built in such a way that they can be shot as if someone ‘came across the footage’ somewhere, and bear in mind a prospective PG-13 rating absent either nudity nor ‘F-Bombs’ (those’ll be no-nos).  They can be suspenseful (it is October after all), but don’t have to be...they can be romantic, or comic, or dramatic, whatever!  They should have casts no larger than 4 actors, and should be able to be shot in local locations (preferably outdoors) with all cast and crew socially distanced except for very brief moments.  --Sometime prior to 1200a on 10/25, share your script in Google Doc form to Once submitted, a team of Board Members and Miller will come together to decide which up to 90 minutes worth of scripts will be selected.  Selected scripts will be posted online in the week prior to auditions for Actors, Techs, and Directors to Scripts will then be handed off to the team of Directors for the rest of the creative process.

Directors will meet together once all of the scripts come in to decide which script they’ll get to direct, with preference given to directors who’ve written a script themselves.  Directors can work independently, or in teams of two, but cannot act in their own film.  Upon getting their script, Directors will then get a week to a week and a half to work with the Writer to collaborate on preparing for casting and for the shoot itself.  Directors will then attend General Auditions together, seeing the Acting talent making themselves available, and scheduling them for Callbacks over the subsequent two days...11/6 - 11/8.  All Directors and Actors must be available these days for the casting process, or will be ruled out of those two roles...we are on a very tight schedule for this process.

Production Techs (Crew Members) will sign up by 10/28 via email to for entry into a pool for Directors to build their shoot teams.  Directors may need a variety of positions, including (but not limited to) Camera Operators, Costumers, Prop Masters, Production Assistants (General Crew), or other specialized tasks.  On this process there will be no make up/hair artists outside an Actor’s own family, however, for health and germ transmission reasons.  Directors, depending on need, will select 1-4 Production Techs, in consultation with Miller...with no single shoot team having more than 10 total members including Actors, Directing Team, Techs, etc., with no team sharing members.

Auditions will take place the weekend of 11/6...the end of 1st Quarter.  Scripts will be available to preview in the week before the auditions, so Actors can be knowledgeable about the content of the scripts they’re auditioning for.  Actors can opt into, or out of, being considered for as many of the scripts as they’d like or as few as they’d like, with the requirement that they need to make themselves available for a minimum of 2 scripts/shoot-teams.  It has been a longstanding Company expectation that when you audition for an (SW)2 production that you audition for the show, not the role...that you’re not only ok with, but excited to commit wherever you’re cast, to support the production and the Company with your best energy, talent, and focus.  Auditions will be in two pieces: Generals and Callbacks.  Generals will take place via Zoom or Meets on Friday, 11/6, and details about those expectations will come out a little closer to the date.  Callbacks will take place on 11/7 and 11/8, and will be by invite only at times to be determined by the directors a little closer to the date, but with enough time to prepare.  Following Callbacks, Actors will be notified no later than the end of the day on 11/9.

Once the films are cast and the production teams assembled, Directors will arrange a first read with their team, and a production schedule.  Actors and Techs should treat this time like any other production with (SW)2...during that two week period between casting and when footage is due to be in the can for editing on 11/21, all Production Team members should be able to make themselves available up to the traditional 3 hours per day for shoots that we ordinarily would spend in rehearsal, though Directors should hold their charge very important and plan the use of that time very intentionally.  Directors also commit to adhere to strict safety and health guidelines during their shoot, and all Techs and Actors will commit to those things as well.

The week of 11/22 is a week of editing footage together (even though, yes, we know it’s Thanksgiving many folks are traveling anyway in this time?).  Editing should be simple, and achievable with freeware or with iMovie.  If a Director needs assistance on editing, they can collaborate with someone, but that person should be considered a member of their 10.

Once edited, completed films will be brought together by Miller and the Board, and organized into an evening of student-produced, student-performed films.  We’re looking into ways and partners to share this work with our community, online as an audience together.  Details about how the F4 will roll out to our community as we get closer to the target presentation date of 12/4 - 12/6.  We’re excited to make this as big an event as we are capable of, and of sharing your work with the largest possible audience!

Any questions?  Let’s talk! See you at the info meeting this Friday!

The Cast List!

Congratulations all...and thank you for coming out for the F4!  The directors were thrilled with your work, and can’t wait to get started.  ...